Saturday, October 31, 2020



Vol. 1  Chap. 557


As Walls Closed In, I Got Away!

Now I’m Chillin’ In Our Driveway,

Just Sittin’, List’nin’ to Each Tune

In the Car I’ll be Drivin’ Soon!

Ev’ry Day I Hear Someone Say,

They Just Can’t Wait Until the Day

When This Pandemic’s History!

But That Date’s Far Off, You Ask Me!


It's Not That This Girl’s Not Ready!

Cue the Balloons and Confetti!

Whose Gunna Be Our Jonas Salk?

More Action Researchers!  Less Talk!


This Plague’s Taken an Awful Toll!

Just Count Up the Lives It Has Stole!

Add to All That Humanity

The Creeping Loss of Sanity!


Car Radio Plays, “Can’t Touch This!”

Can’t Touch, Can’t Hold Hands, Sure Can’t Kiss!

Next Up, “Don’t Stand So Close to Me!”

The Anthem of Twenty~Twenty!


Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!




Saturday, October 24, 2020

G'Day Mate!

Vol. 1  Chapter 556 

                   G’Day Mate!

            I Feel Myself Stretchin’, Yawnin’!
            Birds Announce a New Day Dawnin’!
            In Our House We Have One Strict Rule:
            No Morning Mom Pics, Or Else You’ll

            Watch Your Phone Dive Into the Pool!
            Aud Loves Her Phone!   And She’s No Fool!
            This Next Part Starts a Mystery,
            That Perplexes and Baffles Me!

            Mom Needs Time to Put On Her Face!
            So She Can Join the Human Race!
            But If Mom is an Alien,
            Does That Make Me Australian?

            I Seek Koalas, Kangaroos,
            When We Head Off to Any Zoos!
            I’ve Been Known to Call My Friends, “Mate!”
            Shrimp on the Barbie?   That Sounds Great!

            Few Pics Exist of Pre~Dawn Mom!
            I Hope U.S. is Where I’m From!
            But If Australia, That’s Cool, Mate!
            Give Mom an Hour … She Cleans Up Great!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!


Saturday, October 17, 2020



Vol. 1  Chap. 555



That Sermon ‘bout the Mustard Seed

Makes Lots of Sense Out Here Indeed!

How Small and Insignificant

Seeds Can Sprout Up To Be Giant!


Our Modern Church Can Find a Match!

Just Join Us In the Pumpkin Patch!

Seeds the Size of My Fingernails

Grow Into Gourds That Break the Scales!


‘Fore We Launched Our Gourd Safari,

Pouring Out of Our Hot Car We

Heard Mom Exclaim, “Hey Look, Ice Cream!”

Part of Our Mother’s Master Scheme! 


Kids Holding Ice Cream Cannot Try

To Lift a Pumpkin Toward the Ski!

Mom Hates to Pay for Gourds We Drop!

And Hates the Screams When Back Discs Pop!


If Your Kids Love to Show They’re Strong,

We’re Telling You, You Can’t Go Wrong

Let Them Stroll Through This Fall Harvest

With Ice Cream Flavors They Love Best!


Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!



Saturday, October 10, 2020

Nature's Child!


Vol. 1  Chap. 554

     Nature's Child!



Fair to Say, I Am Nature’s Child!

I Find My Comforts In the Wild!

Outdoors Near Mountains or the Sea,

That Stirs the Very Soul of Me!


Though My Home’s in San Diego

Anywhere I Find Snow, I’ll Go!

Stick Me Atop Some Mountain Side,

Then Watch Me Schuss!  This Gal Can Glide!


While Hiking on Some Back~Woods Trails,

The Noblest Creatures All Have Tails!

The Smell of Horses is to Me

My True Aroma Therapy!


I’m Drawn to the Gentle Motion

Of the Waves!  I Love the Ocean!

Even at Night It’s My Desire

To Bask Under Stars, By the Fire!


What’s That You Say?  “A Girl Can’t Stay

Outdoors Flittering Life Away?”

That’s Sadly True, So I’ll Relent!

“Welcome to My Living~Room Tent!”



Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!



Saturday, October 3, 2020

In All the Years!

 Vol. 1  Chap. 553

     In All The Years!

In All the Years Since I’ve Been Born

I’ve Yet to See a Unicorn!

Not Any Flying Elephants

Have Flittered Past with Eloquence!

Fire Breathing Dragons Must Be Shy!

Never Once Do My Keen Eyes Spy

These Odd Reptilian Creatures

With Their Arsonistic Features!


But Certain Facts May Surprise Us!

That’s What My Teachers Advise Us!

J'ou Know What Critter Has Three Hearts?

The Octopus!  How’s That for Starts?


Who Plants More Oak Trees In the Wood

Than Human Beings Ever Could?

Acorns Buried By the Squirrel

Help to Keep the Forests Fertile!


In Sixth Grade There’s a Plethora

Of Facts ‘Bout Fauna and Flora!

I’m Absorbing Them Remotely!

Not Ideal … But It Works for Me!



Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!

