Saturday, July 17, 2021

Life's Better!


Vol. 1  Chap. 594

                     Life’s Better! 




        If You Love Someone, Set Them Free! 

        If You Hate Someone, Set Them Free! 

        In Fact, Set the Whole Damned World Free! 

        Life’s Better With Dogs, You Ask Me! 


        Think Of All the Traits You Value! 

        Most Dogs Will Share Them All With You! 

        Fierce Loyalty That Can’t Be Swayed! 

        Faithfulness?  Dogs Have That In Spades! 


        You’re Tired of Folks Judging You? 

        Your Dog’s a Friend Who’s Always True! 

        He’ll Keep Ev’ry Secret You Share! 

        Won’t Judge!  Won’t Tell!  No How, No Where! 


        Need Someone Who’ll Stand Up For You? 

        Dogs are Protectors Through and Through! 

        Most Never Need to Sink Teeth In! 

        Just Growl or Bark’s Enough to Win! 


        These Dogs Aren’t Mine, Each a Loan’a 

        At Mike’s House in Arizona! 

        I Told Them I Miss My Daphne! 

        These Sweet Galoots Snuggle Hap’ly! 



Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All! 



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