Saturday, July 3, 2021

Happy Birthday America! 2021


Vol. 1  Chap 592

            Happy Birthday America! 


           Born Seventeen Seventy~Six 

           When We Declared, “We Won’t Be Brits!” 

           "You’ll Not Take Our Guns Then Tax Us!" 

           "That’s No Way to Treat the Masses!" 


           If King George Had Not Decided, 

           ‘Greed Rules!’, We Just May Have Sided 

           With the Crown!  But They Nearly Drown 

           The Settlers In Debts, Town By Town! 

           Image You've Crossed an Ocean 

           Cuz You Love the Single Notion 

           That You Could Start New … and Debt Free! 

           Cleared Your Homestead of Stone and Tree! 



           Grew Crops, ‘nuff to Feed the Neighbors! 

           But the Tax Men Saw Your Labors 

           Took Your Farm to Pay Tax Debts! 

           That’s One Move England Still Regrets! 


           The Revolution That Inspired 

           Showed the World Just How We are Wired! 

           But For All That Our Rebels Did,

           We'd All Be Speaking English, Kid!

                        Happy 245th Birthday America!!! 

                          (We Love You Now, England!)


Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All! 



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