Saturday, August 13, 2022

Cool Our Earth!


Vol. 1 Chap. 650 



  Cool Our Earth! 




Please I Don’t Want to Go Extinct! 

To Go Extinct, I Think Would Stink! 

Tween Fires and Floods and Record Heat 

It Seems That’s the Fate That Will Greet 


My Whole Hapless Generation 

Unless This and Ev’ry Nation 

Shrinks Its Use of Greenhouse Gasses 

Fore We and Trees Turn to Ashes! 


Think of Life Back in the Ice Age 

When Creeping Glaciers Were the Rage! 

The Temp’ratures Back in That Freeze 

Were Cooler by Just 8 Degrees! 


Warm Earth Just a Few Degrees More 

You Can Kiss Bye to Your Seashore! 

Does That Mean Now All Hope is Lost? 

Not If We Vow We’ll Pay the Cost! 


We Stitched the Hole in the Ozone! 

Could Never Have Done That Alone! 

Nations Must Turn All Our Focus! 

Cool Our Earth So It Won’t Choke Us! 



Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All! 




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