Saturday, August 27, 2022

Truth Us, Teacher!


Vol. 1 Chap. 652 



Truth Us, Teacher! 




Teach Us the Truth! Not Made~Up Crap! 

Don’t Saunter Over to the Map 

Of America and Tell Us 

“First Discovered by Columbus!” 


Be Reassured We’re Here to Learn! 

We Want the GPA We Earn! 

Thousand Years Before Columbus 

Would Be Born, There Moved Among Us 

Siberians Who Crossed the Great 

Land Bridge We Call the Bering Strait! 

Plains Indians Share DNA 

Hard to Argue Those Facts Away! 

While These Siberians Were Hiking, 

From the East There Sailed the Viking! 

Asians Arrived In Sailing Ships 

Their Pottery Survived These Trips! 

We’re Here to Learn, But Learn the Truth! 

There’s More to Us Than Just Our Youth! 

You’ve Got Discerning Students Here! 

With Your Help We’ll Have One Fine Year! 


Your Grampa Sure Loves Y'All!





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