Vol, 1  Chap, 25           

              Summer!  Don’t Go!!!

              Poor Me, Dejected, Face in Hand!
              You Might See, I Don’t Feel So Grand!
              My Camp is Ending, Don’t Cha Know?
              Oh Where, Oh Where, Did Summer Go?

              I’m Not One to Give Off Drama!
              Really, Honest!   Ask My Mamma!
              Me and My Girls, We Ruled This Year!
              We Thought We’d Make Camp Our Career!


              Hey, Hey, My Name is Audrey Mae!
              At Camp We Sing, We Swim, We Play!
              No Cuter Girls Ever Cheer Led!
              Me and My Girls, We Knocked’m Dead!


              In the Stands, B’ball Fanatics
              Thought the Game Was Quite Dramatic!
              But When My Girls Stepped Up to Cheer
              The Ooohs and Aaahs Announced, "We're Here!"

              How Could a Game Ever Compete
              With Flying Pom Poms, High Kicked Feet?
              We Jumped and Yelled and Made Our Splits!
              We Drove Those Fans Out of Their Wits!

              Here’s What’s Up, Mrs. O’Bama
              I’ll Trade One Vote From My Mamma
              If You’d Correct This Little Wrong
              And Make Summer Last ALL YEAR LONG!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y'All!

Love~Grampa                 (August 21, 2010)