Tuesday, July 23, 2013

My Shadow, Then and Now!

Vol. 1  Chap. 15

            My Shadow, Then and Now!


               Hey, Hey, My Name is Audrey Mae!

               I’ve Seen Big Changes in My Day!

               But None is Greater, I Tell You, 
               Than What I'm Right~Now Goin' Through!

               Back in the Day, or So It Feels,

               My Shadow Grew Out from My Heels!

               Even as Fast as I Could Run

               My Shadow Kept Up!   It was Fun!

               Shadows Do Have Limitations!

               They Sure are Quiet Creations!

               Each Time That I Tried to Converse,

               The Silence Went from Bad to Worse!

                Now Quick, Flash Forward to Today!

                It’s So Much Better, I Do Say!

                I’ve Got a Brand New Shadow Now

                Who Talks and Loves Me and Somehow


                She Goes Where I Go, Rain or Shine!

                My Shadow Thinks That I’m Divine!

                Do You Know Who My Shadow Is?

                She’s My Sweet Sister!   Yup, She’s Iz!


Your Grampa Sure Loves Y'All!

Love~Grampa                    (June 12, 2010)

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