Wednesday, July 10, 2013

You Think You Had a Lousy Day!!!

Vol. 1  Chap. 4

   You Think You Had a Lousy Day!!!

        Hey, Hey, My Name is Audrey Mae!

        You Think You Had a Lousy Day!

        Well Let Me Tell You Something, Friend!

        My Bad Day Went From Start to End!

        It Started Right When I Got Up!

        I Went to Hug My Giant Pup!

        And Then My Mom and Iz and "Owhhh!"

        I Stubbed My Toe Real Hard Somehow!

        I Didn't Cry!   But Both Eyes Leaked!

        I Think I Scared Iz When I Shrieked!

        I Soldiered On and Brushed My Teeth

        And Hid My Sad Face Down Beneath!


        My Smile I Showed to Everyone!

        I Put Sad Down!   Tried to Have Fun!

        I Ran and Played But Even Though,

        Kah-Boom!   I Fell on My Elbow!

        My Skin Was Flapping in the Breeze!

        My Elbow Hung Down by My Knees!

        Not One EMT Rushed to Help

        Despite My Poor, Pathetic Yelp!


        Just Then I Saw a Huge, Mean Bee

        Aim His Sharp Stinger Right at Me!

        "Don't Sting Me Bee!!!"  I Tried to Beg!

        But That Mean Bee Just Stung My Leg!


        My Mommy Sprayed and Bandaged Me!

        She Hummed and Rocked Me on Her Knee!

        My Mom Knows All 'Bout TLC

        And How to Heal and Comfort Me!

        Bonez Laid His Huge Head on My Knee!

        Opened His Mouth, Showed Me That Bee!

        This Might Not Be the Worst Day Yet!

        Bonez, My Protector!   What a Pet! 

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y'All!

Love-Grampa                     (March 27, 2010


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