Friday, April 27, 2018

And So It Is ...

Vol 1  Chap 60

                                  And So It Is ...

            In Each Kid's Life There Comes a Task
            That She Can Do, But Can't Do Fast!
            And Since My House Tripled in Size,
            Mine's Finding Hidden Eggs Inside!

            I Used to Know Each Bunny's Hide~
            Ing Place!   But Now It's Huge Inside!
            That's Why I Stifle Back This Yawn
            And Gently Pick Up Iz, Pre-Dawn!

            Hey, Hey, My Name Is Audrey Mae!
            We've Got So Much To Do Today!
            "It's Easter!"  Iz Heard What I Said,
            Still She Stares Fondly Back at Bed!

            Then In a Flash, An Egg So Bright,
            Sits On Her Dresser, In Plain Sight!
            I Should Have Seen It By The Light
            Of Three Fours Blinking.   It's Still Night?

            Us Girls Push On, Despite the Gloom!
            We Both Find Eggs In Ev'ry Room!
            'Cept I Decide We'd Best Ignore
            The Room Where We Hear Mommy's Snore!

            And So It Is ... With Chocolate Breath
            I 'Splained to Iz About The Death,
            The Stone Rolled Back, The Empty Cave,
            God Welcomed Back the Son He Gave!

                   Happy Easter Everybody!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y'All!

Love~Grampa                      (April 23, 2011)

Our Play Date ... Take Fifty~Two!

Vol 1  Chap 59

    Our Play Date … Take Fifty~Two!
          Iz and I Are Really Cozy
          With Josie and Little Rosie!
          To Josie and Me, Rosie’s Small!
          To Isabelle, Rosie’s Quite Tall!

          Wait!   I Can Do This Easier!
          My Iz is Two!   Let’s Start with Her!
          To Iz’s Two We Add Two More!
          That’s Little Rosie!   She is Four!

          How Do Our Moms Coordinate
          When They Arrange For Our Play Date?
          Our Age is Just a Tiny Bit
          Of What Our Mothers Have to Fit

          And Factor Into Each Play Date!
          They Juggle Everything Just Great!
          Us Kids, We Show Up at the Park!
          And Play Like Kids Do, On a Lark!

          There’s Little Ponys and Barbie
          And Snacks!   But Wait!   Think Allergy!
          Who Needs a Nap?   Whose Skin’s Too Fair?
          I’d Have Pulled Out All My Red Hair!

          Hey, Hey, My Name Is Audrey Mae!
          It’s Some Production When Kids Play!
          Iz and Me, We Just Now Get It!
          Moms' Names Should Scroll In The Credit!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!

Love~Grampa                       (April 16, 2011)


Vol 1  Chap  58


         Hey, Hey, My Name is Audrey Mae!
         I Never Thought I’d See The Day
         When Summer Came So Suddenly
         Like This School Year Flew Right By Me!

         I Just Found Out An Hour Ago
         I’ve Only Got Five Days To Go!
         That’s All There is That’s Left of School!
         And Then I’m On Vacation!  Cool!

         I Once Heard Old Kids In Third Grade
         Tell Stories of Each Escapade!
         How Long, Hot Summer Days Were Meant
         For Daring Deeds and Amusement!

         Will This Be My Year to Cliff Dive?
         Will Mommy Teach Me How To Drive?
         Or Swim Across the Pacific?
         I Think That Would Be Terrific!

         Wait!  What?  Vacation Starts Next Week!
         But April Offers Just a Peek
         At What My Summer Has In Store!
         A Week Long Tease … Not One Day More!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!

Love-Grampa                        (April 9, 2011)

The Three R's!

Vol 1  Chap 57

                     The Three R's!

         Hey, Hey, My Name Is Audrey Mae!
         We Had a Jog-a-Thon Thursday!
         Money We Raised All Went, They Say,
         To Help To Fund Our PTA!

         Reading, Running and 'Rithmetic
         In All Three R's I'm Pretty Quick!
         39 Laps I Ran At School!
         39 Laps ... That's Pretty Cool!

         Half Days is What We've Had All Week,
         So Moms and Teachers Both Could Speak!
         You'd Think That My Mom's Conference Should
         Be Filled With Tales Of Just How Good

         My Reading's Coming!   Math's My Best!
         This Year I Ace Most Ev'ry Test!
         You'd Think!  ...  But There's This Hue and Cry!
         'Cause I'm a Social Butterfly!

         I Stand Accused of Gabbery!
         That's Why They've Moved My Friends From Me!
         It's True!   Maybe I Gab, Mister!
         Please Move Me Back!   I Won't Whisper!

         Is It So Hard to Compromise?
         Here's My Proposal, Gabbing-Wise!
         If Classroom Silence I Should Dent,
         39 Laps ... My Punishment!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y'All!

Love~Grampa                       (April 2, 2011)

Thursday, April 26, 2018

April Fools!

Vol 1  Chap 56

                    April Fools!
            The Day Dawns On Us, Finally!
            My Isabelle Looks Up At Me!
            One Wink, One Smile, And Now I Know!
            She’s In With Me!  Our Plan’s A Go!

            I Show Iz My Big Red Marker!
            Good Thing Our Dog Is No Barker!
            Our Loyal Bonez Won’t Rat Us Out!
            He’s One Third of Us Roust-Abouts!

            Hey, Hey, My Name Is Audrey Mae!
            Teachin’ Iz ‘Bout April Fool’s Day!
            Add In My Own Artistic Flair,
            Quick ‘Grampa Beards’ Now Match Our Hair!

            Isabelle Is So Excited!
            Though She Can’t Read What I Writed
            On Bonez Ribs.  But She Doesn’t Mind!
            Iz Never Saw a Doggie Sign!

            Our Sleepy Mother's Gaze Agog!
            She Stares at Us, Then Reads the Dog!
             “You Didn’t Know I Write This Well!”
             I Signed Bonez' Ribs, “My Isabelle”!
                        April Fools!”

Your Grampa Sure Love’s Y’All!

Love~Grampa                 (Mar. 26, 2011)

"Saint Pat's" Day!

Vol 1  Chap 55

                    "Saint Pat's" Day!

       Back When Our House Was Upside Down,
       My Mommy Sometimes Wore a Frown!
       Then Pat and Johnny Took Us In!
       My Mommy Got Back Her Warm Grin!

       My Mom Re-Named Our Host, "Saint Pat"!
       "She's From The Green Isle!   She'll Like That!"
       I Never Paid That Name Much Mind,
       'Til Thursday When My School Went Kind

       Of Wild With Talk of "Saint Pat's" Day!
       Who Knew They Knew Our Pat That Way?
       Appears Pat's Some Celebrity!
       You Could'a Fooled My Iz and Me!

       Hey, Hey My Name is Audrey Mae!
       I'm Dressed All Green For "Saint Pat's" Day!
       I Look at Pat With New Respect!
       It Seems Our Pat's Had Some Affect

       On Every Soul That I Did See!
       So Many More Than Iz and Me!
       In School Our Cake Had Green Frosting!
       All Day, Pat's Music, We Did Sing!

       I Raced Home to Tell Isabelle!
       She Must Have Known, 'Cause Let Me Tell
       Ya, Iz Too Was Decked Out in Greens!
       "Saint Pat" Called Us, "'Saint Pat's' Colleens!"

                         Happy Saint Pat's Day!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y'All!

Love~Grampa                        (Mar. 19, 2011)

Isabelle's Second Birthday!

Vol 1  Chap 54

              Isabelle's Second Birthday!

           In Just a Blink Of My Blue Eye
       Two Years With Isabelle Flew By!
       I Used To Be The Only Child!
Then Something Happened!   It Was Wild!

       My Mom Went To The Hospital!
       I Thought That's Where New Infants Dwell!
       Mom Said If I Wished Hard, Maybe,
       She Would Come Home ... With a Baby!

       I Guess I Must Have Wished Just Right!
       'Cause I Met Isabelle That Night!
       'Twas On That First Time I Kissed Her,
       I Fell In Love With My Sister!

       Well, Thank The Lord This Kid Has Me
       To Guide and Teach Her Constantly!
       Along the Way I've Come Aware
       Us Sisters Make One Real Cool Pair!

       Hey, Hey, My Name is Audrey Mae!
       It's Isabelle's Second Birthday!
       Saying Thanks, Blowing Each Candle
       Are Two Lessons She Can Handle!

       But Do You Know My Isabelle
       Taught Me a Thing or Two As Well?
       Like Loving Her Comes Natural!
       I Think of Iz ... Feel My Heart Swell!

                    Happy Birthday Isabelle!!!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y'All!

Love~Grampa                       (Mar. 12, 2011)

Double T's

Vol 1  Chap 53

                                Double T's

               Terrible Two's Not Like the Flu!
               After a Week of Flu, You're Through!
               But Judging From What I Can Hear,
               Terrible Two's Last 'Bout One Year!

               I'm Worried For My Isabelle!
               So Far, Til Now, That Kid's Been Swell!
               But Everything Could Change Next Week
               When Double T's Begin to Wreak

               Their Havoc on My Kid Sister!
               Yup, It's Got Me Concerned, Mister!
               Terrible Two's a Scary Phase,
               Part Witch Craft and Part Monster Craze!

               Hey, Hey, My Name is Audrey Mae!
               Good Thing For Isabelle, They Say,
               That She's Got Me to Lean Upon!
               For Me That Time was Just a Yawn!

               I Guess I Must Have Been Immune!
               That Year I Hummed a Loving Tune!
               And Never Once Did I Wig Out
               Or Stomp My Feet Or Even Pout!

               Perhaps My Worries Are in Vain!
               Like Me, My Sister Might Retain
               Her Pixie-Like Disposition!
               An Imp!  Never an Imp~osition!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y'All!

Love~Grampa                      (Mar. 5, 2011)