Friday, April 27, 2018

And So It Is ...

Vol 1  Chap 60

                                  And So It Is ...

            In Each Kid's Life There Comes a Task
            That She Can Do, But Can't Do Fast!
            And Since My House Tripled in Size,
            Mine's Finding Hidden Eggs Inside!

            I Used to Know Each Bunny's Hide~
            Ing Place!   But Now It's Huge Inside!
            That's Why I Stifle Back This Yawn
            And Gently Pick Up Iz, Pre-Dawn!

            Hey, Hey, My Name Is Audrey Mae!
            We've Got So Much To Do Today!
            "It's Easter!"  Iz Heard What I Said,
            Still She Stares Fondly Back at Bed!

            Then In a Flash, An Egg So Bright,
            Sits On Her Dresser, In Plain Sight!
            I Should Have Seen It By The Light
            Of Three Fours Blinking.   It's Still Night?

            Us Girls Push On, Despite the Gloom!
            We Both Find Eggs In Ev'ry Room!
            'Cept I Decide We'd Best Ignore
            The Room Where We Hear Mommy's Snore!

            And So It Is ... With Chocolate Breath
            I 'Splained to Iz About The Death,
            The Stone Rolled Back, The Empty Cave,
            God Welcomed Back the Son He Gave!

                   Happy Easter Everybody!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y'All!

Love~Grampa                      (April 23, 2011)

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