Friday, April 20, 2018

No Secrets Please!

Vol 1  Chap 51

           No Secrets Please! 
        Please Never Tell Me Your Secrets!
        We Both Know That You'd Have Regrets!
        Cuz I'm a Girl Who Blurts Things Out!
        My Whispers Sounds Quite Like Your Shout!

        Your Secrets are NOT Safe with Me!
        That's Not Because Delib'rately
        I'd Violate Some Sacred Trust!
        Just I'm a Secret~Keeping Bust!

        This Girl is the Talkative Type!
        In Any Group, I Love the Hype!
        Sometimes the Words Flow Passed My Lips
        Before I Can Take Back My Quips!

        I Would Never Want to Trifle!
        But I Never Learned to Stifle!
        I'm More the Expressive Sort!
        What I Hear I Just Must Report!

        Fear Not!   Should Secrets Need Tellin'
        Guess Who's Jellin' Like a Felon?
        That Would be Bonez the Wonder Dog
        Who's Guarded in His Dialogue!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y'All!

Love~Grampa                      (Feb. 19, 2011)

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