Tuesday, July 31, 2018

A Cosmic Shift!

Vol. 1  Chap. 306

      A Cosmic Shift!

Ya Know, I’m All of Six Years Old!
Survive by Doin’ What I’m Told!
That’s Easy, Cuz My Mom’s in Charge!
She Gets to Rule Because She's Large!

 Mom’s the Boss!   The Big Kahuna!
Disobey Mom?   Man I’d Soon’a
Stick My Hand in a Live Bee Hive!
Neither One Helps Me to Survive!

 My Mom’s Not Some Scary Ogre
With Snaggly Fangs and Death’s Odor!
See, Mom’s Axshly Quite Good Looking!
A Kindly Queen, Fit For a King!

 Yet Audrey’s Caused a Cosmic Shift,
As Her Growth Has Come So Darn Swift!
Shot Up Past Our Mom Late One Night!
Now Each Day Audrey’s Adding Height!

This New Reality’s Stinking!
I'm Not Sure If Mom is Shrinking!
She Doesn’t Pose Next to Audrey!
So Who’s In Charge?   Hey, Don’t Ask Me!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!

Love~Grampa                (Jan. 9, 2016)

Best New Year's Party Evah!!!

Vol. 1  Chap. 305

My Favorite Student!

Vol. 1  Chap. 304

   My Favorite Student!

Ya Know, I'd Make a Good Teacher!
Just Ask Bella, Cuz I Teach Her!
I’m Part of How She Learned to Pray
And Learned the Tale of Christmas Day!

Bella’s Always Been Quick to Learn!
Her Intellect’s Not a Concern!
She Gets Just Why God’s Only Son
Came Down For Mankind’s Redemption!

No Rooms Opened to This Stranger~
Couple Who Bunked in a Manger!
In This Humble Sanctuary,
God’s Son Was Born Unto Mary!

Bella Knows ‘bout the Three Magi!
That Star They Followed in the Sky!
Those Gifts Each Bore That December!
They Gave Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh!  

She’s Small and Sometimes She Can’t See!
I Love She’s Not a Bit Antsy!
Service Over, I Cut Her Slack,
If Christmas Gifts Beckon Her Back!

Merry Christmas Everybody!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!

Love~Grampa               (Dec. 26, 2015)

Pressure's Mounting!

Vol. 1  Chap. 303

     Pressure’s Mounting!

Can’t Help Feelin’ I’m Being Watched!
Been Good All Year!   Don’t Want That Botched!
I Fear No Matter What I Do,
I’m Hurling Toward Some Huge SNAFU!

I Woke Up in a Cold, Cold Sweat!
Was I A’Scared?   Heck Yah!   You Bet!
After Decoratin’ Our Tree,
Dreamt It Crashed on Account o' Me!

The Pressure’s Mounting Ev’ry Hour!
My Best Actions Could Still Turn Sour!
I’ve Got a Week ‘Fore It’s Published …
The Names on Santa’s Naughty List!

I’m Always Good to Animals!
Help My Teacher!   It’s Like We’re Pals!
I’ve Made It Now to Six Years Old
Never Once Seen a Lump of Coal!

I Ask Audrey Why She’s So Calm?
She Reads Aloud Her Fav’rite Psalm!
“Fear Not Walkin’ Through That Valley!
“Leave Milk and Cookies by the Tree!”

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!

Love~Grampa               (Dec. 19, 2015) 

A Girl With Dreams!

Vol. 1  Chap. 302

   A Girl With Dreams!

A Girl Can Learn a Lot, It Seems,
Studying Those Who've Lived Their Dreams!
Most Dreams Can Hide Just Out of Reach!
That’s What My Observations Teach!

So What’s a Girl With Big Dreams Do?
She Could Just Quit and Not Pursue!
Chasing Dreams is So Much Trouble!
Best Sit, Wrapped Tight, In Your Bubble!

Or You Could Start Developin’
That Kind’a Strength Grows From Within!
And Focus Hard Each Chance in School!
Our Brains are Dream Chasers’ Best Tool!

Dream Chasers Who are Not Afraid
To Declare All the Plans We’ve Made,
Have Just Announced Our Long Term Goal!
Lets Dear Friends Watch Each Step Unfold!

You Lay Hillside, Transfixed to See
Clouds Scud and Morph By Constantly!
You Know You're More Than What This Seems!
The World Belongs to Girls With Dreams!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!

Love~Grampa               (Dec. 12, 2015) 

First Truth!

Vol. 1  Chap. 301

I'm Thankful For ... !

Vol. 1  Chap. 300

  I’m Thankful For … !

I’ll Tell You What I’m Thankful For!
For Mom, Audrey and So Much More!
I’m Thankful For Our Dog, Lady!
I Love She’s Joined Our Fam'ly!

From Heaven, I Know Bonez Smiles Down!
We Loved Each Day He Was Around!
Always Loving!   And Always Calm!
Old Bonez Protected Us From Harm!

My Teachers, They Are Really Cool!
I Have the Best Ones in Our School!
And I Love That I’ve Learned to Read!
Bring Books!   More Books!   You’ll Hear Me Plead!

Glad We Live In San Diego!
That’s Worth a Huge Thank You, I Know!
We’ve Just Entered Arizona!
Find Mike’s House by the Aroma!

Iron Mike Chose The Perfect Bride!
Now With Claudia By His Side,
They Serve Fixin’s and Hot Turkey,
To Wyatt, Audrey, Mom and Me!

Happy Thanksgiving Everybody!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!

Love~Grampa               (Nov. 28, 2015)


Vol. 1  Chap. 299