Friday, July 13, 2018

Half Marathon Mom!

Vol. 1  Chap. 234

                Half Marathon Mom!

                We Think It’s An Amazing Feat,
                What Our Mom Did With Her Two Feet!
                She Ran a Half a Marathon!
                Running’s How Mom Gets Her Groove On!

                Our Mom Runs In San Diego!
                That’s No Flat Oval, Don’t Cha Know?
                We’ve Got Canyons!   And We’ve Got Hills!
                Our Mom’s Run Both!   Then Just For Thrills,

                She’ll Race Rams Up Those Cliffs So Steep
                There’ll Be No Other Long Horn Sheep!
                Past Mountain Lions and Rattler’s Nests,
                Past Coyotes and Other Pests!

                Hey, Hey, My Name is Audrey Mae!
                That Red Topped Streak That Flew Your Way,
                If It’s the West That Streak Came From,
                It Just Might be Our Speedy Mom!

                Once I Ran 5Ks With Our Mom!
                Now Her Next Goal’s a Marathon!
                Got No Desire!   No, I Don’t Yearn!
                ‘Sides Next Time Must be Bella’s Turn!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!

Love~Grampa              (Aug. 23, 2014)

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