Tuesday, July 3, 2018

The Roller Blading Doctor!

Vol. 1  Chap. 214

                       The Roller Blading Doctor!


                 Well I'm Not Just a Pretty Face!
                 There's Grit in Me Each Time I Race!
                 From When I First Laced Up My Skate,
                 Roller Derby Dreams Percolate!

                 Left Mom and Grampa in My Wake!
                 No Bragging!    That's a Piece of Cake!
                 My Roller Blades are Spewing Smoke!
                 That's How I Skate!    I Go For Broke!

                 Hey, Hey, My Name is Audrey Mae!
                 I'll Skate Professional Some Day!
                 Make Tons of Money!    Tha'd Be Cool!
                 Enough to Put Me Through Med School!

                 Then I'll Be "The Skating Doctor!"
                 Saturday Night Body Rocker!
                 Sundays I'd Rest!    Early Monday,
                 Grab My Black Bag and Skate My Way

                 To All the Places Doctors Ain't!
                 Bring Curing Skills to Those Who Cain't
                 Find Doctors!    To Think This Honor ...
                 Started as a Blading Bomber!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y'All!

Love~Grampa               (Apr. 5, 2014) 

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