Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Bedtime Mystery Number 2!

Vol. 1  Chap. 98

           Bedtime Mystery Number 2!

          OK, Remember How Last Week
          You Kind'a, Sort'a Got a Peek
          At Us Girls’ Bedtime Mystery?
          Here’s One More That’s Been Bafflin’ Me!

          Mom Gets Up Early!   Break of Dawn!
          Cooks Breakfast!   Helps Iz Get Clothes On!
          Makes Sandwiches Without the Crust!
          Any Wonder, ‘In Mom We Trust’?

          At Work Mom’s Like a Super Star!
          Helps Our Wounded Get Past Their Scar!
          Emotionally Draining Days
          Mom Accepts as the Price She Pays!

          Tears, She Says, Help Condition Her!
          See Mom’s a Nurse Practitioner!
          Works With Marines and Navy Seals …
          Amputees Conquer Their Ordeals!

          So Why Is It Long Passed Sunset
          Sleep Hasn’t Come to Our Mom Yet?
          We Know Her Conscience is Quite Clear!
          “Hey Sandman!   Get Your Butt in Gear!”

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y'All!

Love~Grampa                    (Jan.14, 2012)

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