Friday, May 18, 2018

Big Sistering Isabelle!

Vol 1  Chap  78

              Big Sistering Isabelle!

             One of My Jobs I Do Quite Well
             Is Big Sistering Isabelle!
             It’s Obvious She’s Learned a Lot !
             She’s Made the Most of All I’ve Taught!

             You Should Have Seen Her Look of Awe
             That Time I Smiled and She First Saw
             My Tooth Came Out and In It’s Place
             A Front-Tooth-Gone Smile On My Face!

             That Gap, You Could Drive a Train Through!
             One Look at Isabelle, I Knew!
             Time to Plan Another Lesson,
             ‘bout the Tooth Fairy, I’m Guessin’!

             Hey, Hey, My Name is Audrey Mae!
             We’re Dressed Like Tooth Fairies Today!
             “No Paper Bucks,” We Hear Mom Say!
             That Bulging Coin Jar’s Still In Play!

             Isabelle Loves My Hands-On Style!
             She Laughs With Me Each Time I Smile!
             Mom Loves the Way We Play Silent!
             Will Mom Ask Where All Her Dimes Went?

             With Head on Pillow, I Fake Sleep!
             Once More Iz Slides Two Dimes Beneath!
             If We Practice Five Hundred Times,
             A C-Note’s Mine!   And All In Dimes!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!

Love~Grampa                       (Aug. 27, 2011)

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