Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Happy Birthday America!

Vol 1  Chap 70

             Happy Birthday America! 

               Okay, I’m Feeling Pressure Here!
               It’s Half Past Sundown And I Fear
               Nobody’s Staked Out Where or What
               Will Be Our Fireworks Viewing Spot!

               Fourth of July Requires a Plan!
               I’m Just a Kid!   But I Know, Man,
               Ya Snooze; Ya Lose!   Then You Can’t See
               Fireworks and Their Grand Finale!

               Hey, Hey, My Name is Audrey Mae!
               The Show Will Soon Get Underway!
               But We Might Not Be There to Say,
               “America, Happy Birthday!”

               The Pizza Guy is at the Door!
               I Smell Great Pies!   And What is More,
               The Tub is Full!   Iz is Naked!
               At This Rate, We’ll Never Make It!

               I Race Upstairs!   Out on Mom's Deck!
               I Yell Down Pleas, Then … What the Heck?
               That First Boom Kind’a Startles Me ...
               Both What I Hear and What I See!

               My Mommy Joins Us, Holding Iz!
               She Gives Us Pizza!   Golly Wiz!
               Not Even Once Did I Suspect,
               The Best Spot’s Here … On Our New Deck!

               Happy 235th Birthday America !

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!

Love~Grampa                       (July 2, 2011)

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