Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Bedtime Mystery!

Vol. 1  Chap. 97

                Bedtime Mystery!

            Don’t Get Me Wrong!   I Love My Bed!
            It’s Where I Lay My Weary Head!
            It’s Where I Bounce When I’m Happy!
            Where I Used To Take My Nappy!

            It’s Where I Talk When I Should Sleep!
            And Where My Tears Fall When I Weep!
            With Blankey Pulled Up To My Chin,
            It’s Where My Mommy Tucks Me In!

            Hey, Hey, My Name is Audrey Mae!
            When Sun Has Set and There’s No Day,
            I Don My Jammies, Brush Caref’ly
            And Snuggle In To Dream Care Free!

            So How Come Sometimes, When We Wake,
            We’ve No Idea, For Heaven Sake,
            How We Got Into This Sleep Zone?
            And Why It is We’re Not Alone?

            The Party We Were At Was Great!
            Our Mom Let Us Stay Up Real Late!
            Next Thing I Know, I Smell Bacon!
            I’m Home With Iz, Slowly Wakin’!

            The Day Starts With This Enigma:
            Who Put Me In My Bed?  My Ma?
            Last Night’s Ends Still a Mystery
            For Me, the Life of the Party!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!

Love~Grampa                    (Jan. 7, 2012)

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