Tuesday, May 15, 2018

My Loof Toof!

Vol 1  Chap 72

                    My Loof Toof!

        Guess What?  My Loof Toof Came Right Out!
        Why Do They Laugh Each Time I Shout,
        “My Loof Toof’s Out!”?  Why’s That Funny?
        I’m About to Make Some Money!

        This Isn’t My First Rodeo!
        I Lost Two Teef Before, You Know.
        The Toof Fairy Swapped Those Two Teef
        For One Dollar She Tucked Beneaf

        My Pillow!   But This Time I’d Hate
        To Trade ‘fore I Negotiate!
        I’ll Soon Run Out of Teef To Spare!
        I Think a Five Spot’s Only Fair!

        Hey, Hey, My Name is Audrey Mae!
        I’m Auctioning My Teef Today!
        Step Right Up and Start the Bidding!
        Just Cash!   No Checks!   I’m Not Kidding!

        How’s a Girl Thirsty For Knowledge
        ‘Sposed to Fund Four Years of College?
        Or Take My Family on Vaca?
        I Can’t Just Give These Teef Away!

        Let’s Hear Your Best Opening Bid
        For This Pearly-White Bicuspid!
        If Cash is Tight, Well It’s OK!
        Buy Future Teef on Lay-Away!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!

Love~Grampa                      (July 16, 2011)

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