Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Martin Luther King Jr. Day!

Vol. 1  Chap. 99

              Martin Luther King Jr. Day!

            Passive Resistance Taught the King!

            Your Self~Control Means Everything!
            Endure Racial Slurs in Silence!
            Echoed Gandhi’s Non~Violence! 

            When They Cast Hatred, Return Love!
            When They Go Low, You Stay Above
            The Fray, the Good Doctor Would Preach!
            Some Heed the Message He Did Teach! 

            No One Expressed Ideals Better
            Than Doctor King In His Letter
            From His Cramped Birmingham Jail Cell!
            He’s Why Their Jim Crow Laws All Fell! 

            In Nineteen Hundred Sixty Three
            King Marched on Washington to Free
            Blacks From Racial Segregation!
            Shared His Dream with Our Nation! 

            His Brief Seventeen Minute Speech
            Was All It Took For King to Reach
            The Heart and Soul of This Country!
            Our Nation’s Mahatma Gandhi! 

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y'All!

Love~Grampa                     (Jan. 21, 2012)  

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