Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Long, Strange Trip!

Vol. 1  Chap. 104

             Long, Strange Trip!

      Don’t Get Me Wrong!   My Mom Drives Great!
      And I Know Kids Sometimes Can’t Wait
      To Get To Where We’re Going Fast!
      Who Really Wants a Trip to Last?

      I Ask With Some Apprehension,
      Could There Be a Drive Dimension?
      Some Weird, Back-Seat Phenomenon
      That Starts Once Our Seat Belts Click On?

      Our Journey Began So Care-Free!
      My Sweet Bella Riding With Me!
      But By Our Twelfth “Are We There Yet?”
      This Odyssey Drew Some Regret!

      We Oozed Through Some Worm-Like Time Warp!
      Bella and I Tried To Exhort
      The Car to Move Like Greased Lightning!
      Slimy Snails More to It’s Liking!

      Earth Time, We’d Been Gone Just an Hour!
      But Anyone Who Has the Power
      To Deduce, Clearly Sees, I Fear;
      This Long, Strange Trip Aged Us One Year!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!

Love~Grampa                     (Feb. 25, 2012)

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