Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Mom Doesn't Work Saturdays!

Vol 1  Chap 64

     Mom Doesn’t Work Saturdays!

        I Skootch Iz Back on the Couch!
        Despite The Build-Up, Mom’s No Grouch!
        Excitement Grows Once Breakfast’s Done …
        The Iron-Mom-Omni-Athalon!

        Mom Races Through the Kitchen!   Heck!
        She Washes, Mops to Disinfect!
        Then Lifts a Heaping Bin of Clothes!
        She Irons Most, the Rest She Folds!

        Now Mom’s Grabs the Vacuum Cleaner!
        Watch Her Cyclone-Like Demeanor!
        No Dust Bunny Gets Out Alive!
        The Smallest Mite Could Ne’er Survive!

        She Scoops Up Iz and Takes My Hand!
        We Join That Rolling Caravan
        Of Moms and Kids Who Errand Run!
        Gee, Saturdays Can Sure Be Fun!

        The Scanner’s Broke!   The Clerk’s Confused!
        Mom’s Way Behind!   She’s Not Amused!
        The Traffic Creeps!   Our Car Horn Beeps!
        Mom Signals to Some Slow-Poke Creeps!

        Hey, Hey, My Name is Audrey Mae!
        Mom’s Free to Race All Saturday!
        A Fifth of Mom’s Events Are Run …
        Her Iron-Mom-Omni-Athalon!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!

Love~Grampa                      (May 21, 2011)

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