Friday, August 17, 2018

A Cure Just Pho Me!

Vol. 1  Chap. 372

   A Cure Just Pho Me!

When Your Mom's Medicine Woman
You Just Don't See That Germ~Demon
Who Carries Sickness Far and Wide!
'Magine My Shock!   Germs Got Inside

Our Surgically Scrubbed Abode!
And Once Inside They Did Unload
A Nasty, Vile Illness on Me
That's Something Us Kids Never See!

I'm Fuzzy 'bout What Happened Next!
High, Hot Fever Left Me Perplexed!
Next Thing I Know, We're on the Go
To Some Place Mom Says Will Serve Pho!

Name Me One Normal Tweenager,
Her Nurse Practi'ner Mom With Her,
Who'd March into Some Restaurant
And Exclaim, "Pho is What I Want!"

I Had No Faith In ... That's For Sure ...
Mom's Viet Nam Miracle Cure
But You Know Despite Each Chop Stick
I Ate Enough!   Pho Did Its Trick!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y'All!

Love~Grampa               (Apr. 15, 2017) 

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