Friday, August 17, 2018

No Worse!

Vol. 1  Chap. 376 

                       No Worse!

You've Heard That Ancient Mother's Curse,
"You'll Have One Like You Only Worse!"
Thought It Applied to Mom Times Two!
Now I'm Finding That's Just Not True!

Cuz I've Been Doing My Research!
With No "Bad" ... No "Worse" Can Besmirch
The Way Mom Lived As a Youngster!
I Asked Each Relative 'bout Her!

They All Have Glowing Things to Say
'Bout How Mom Brightened Up Their Day!
"Good Student, Quite Conscientious!"
"Good Friend to Her Friends!"   Just Like Us!

I Asked About Her Attitude!
They Said Our Mom Was Never Rude!
She Did Her Chores Without Complaint!
They're Talkin' Like Mom Was a Saint!

Frustrated, I Said, "Give Me Dirt!"
They Answered As If In Concert,
Mom's Great!   Then One Whispered to Me,
"Apples Don't Fall Far From the Tree!"

Happy Mother's Day, Mom!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y'All!

Love~Grampa               (May 13, 2017) 

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