Monday, August 27, 2018

Talk Later!

Vol. 1  Chap. 419

       Talk Later!

“Hey Chai!”  “Yah Lady!”   Shocked I Heard
My Dogs Annunciate Each Word!
My Eyes Saw Dogs Laying Lazy!
Ears Told Me I’m Going Crazy!

“The Mother Human Might Be Swayed
“To Keep Them Home If We Both Made
“A Most Forlorn, Pitiful Face!”
Lady~Love Spoke with Just a Trace

Of Irish Brough!  …  What’s Happening?
Behind Them I Froze!   Not Stirring!
Afraid That Should I Break This Spell,
There Goes My Sanity as Well!

“Get Ready to Show Epic Pout!”
Just Then My Lady~Love Let Out
The Saddest Howls a Dog Could Bay!
Both Struck Poses That Begged Mom, “Stay!”

“Hurry Bella!   We’ll All Be Late!”
Both Dogs Looked Back and Did Deflate!
“Your Secret’s Safe With Me!” I Said!
“We’ll Talk Later!”   I Kissed Each Head!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!

Love~Grampa               (Mar. 10, 2018)


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