Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Safe Together!

Vol. 1  Chap. 397

      Safe Together!

Happy Birthday Dear Aunt Lisa!
We Hope We All Get a Piece’a
That Cake So Large It Has Handles!
Has To … Cuz of All Those Candles!

We Know Mom Lived With Dinosaurs!
Mom Says You Lived ‘Fore We Had Laws
Like Murphy’s Law or Gravity!
That’s How You Hovered O’er the Sea

While Rescuing Those in Danger!
Risking Your Life For Some Stranger!
Despite Saying You’re No Hero,
To Us, You’re Our Super~SHero!

Like On Any Given Sunday
We Sit in Church, Hear Preacher Say,
“Greater Love Hath No Man or Wife
“Than They Lay Down Their Precious Life!”

Face It Auntie, We’re Proud of You!
We’re All So Glad You Made It Through
Braved Angry Seas … Killer Weather!
This Birthday … We’re Safe ... Together!

Happy Birthday Aunt Lisa!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!

Love~Grampa                (Oct. 7, 2017)

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