Monday, August 27, 2018

Happy 17th Birthday Zechariah!

Vol. 1  Chap. 425

Happy 17th Birthday Zechariah!

Guess What?   It’s Cousin Zech’s Birthday!
And He Turns Seventeen Today!
You ‘Member He’s the Kind Who’s Kind!
We Raced!   I Never Fell Behind!

Those are Some Traits We Know Won't Change!
Fast Forward Now I Find It Strange!
To See That Kind Boy Before Me's
The Bearded One Who Looks Like He's

The Teacher and Not the Pupil!
Still I See a Special Jewel
Who’s Kept That Rarest Gift He Has
To Make You Feel It’s Your Pizazz

That Just Lit Up the Room So Bright,
You Turned the Darkness into Light!
I’ve Never Known a Friend or Kin
More Comfortable in His Skin!

There’s Lots About Big Zech to Love!
For Me, One Trait Towers Above
The Rest and That’s His Loyalty!
Friends Feel Special!   Like Royalty!

Happy Birthday Zechariah!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!

Love~Grampa                        (Apr. 21, 2018)

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