Monday, August 27, 2018


Vol. 1  Chap. 418


In Lion Like, Out Like a Lamb,
Not Always True Here Where I Am
Us So. Cal. Gals Think We’re Freezin'
Northeast Gals Would Cheer, “Spring’s Teasin’!”

Tis the Eighth Time Since My Dawn’n
I Got to See March March on In!
This March Didn’t Start Lion Like!
Low 60s Now, Before Our Spike!

I’m Irish!   But There’s No Green Coat
In My Closet!   Nor a Remote
Chance I’ll Need a Coat or Warm Hat
When Us Irish Honor Saint Pat!

We’ve Flowers That Bloom All Year Long!
We’ve Birds That All Year Share Their Song!
Winters Are Spritzed With Warming Spells
For Sun and Sand and Gentle Swells!

March is My Fav’rite Time of Year!
Mid 70s is Av’rage Here!
You’ll Understand More When I Say,
“March is the Month of My Birthday!!!”

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!

Love~Grampa               (Mar. 3, 2018)  

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