Monday, August 20, 2018

I Don't Need a Nap!

Vol. 1  Chap. 394

 I Don't Need a Nap!

When I Was Just a Little Kid
An Afternoon Nap's What I Did!
My Eighth Birthday's a March Ago!
So I Don't Need Naps!   No!   No!   No!

Though My School Day Starts Way Early!
You Know I Never Get Surly!
It's True, I Do Play Wicked Hard
At Recess, Out In the School Yard!

But Don't Get This Crazy Idea
That I Should Nap!   Let's Get This Clear!
I'm Not Some Small Second~Grader
Who Needs Her Sleep!   I'm No Fader!

So Why's Mom Looking at Me Weird?
And Why's My Strength Been Commandeered?
And How'd Blankie Get On My Lap?
I Told You, I Don't Need a Nap!

Oh No!   I'm Stretching and Yawning!
What's This?   A New Day is Dawning?
Come On!   This Can't Happen to Me!
I'm Bella!   And I'm In Grade Three!!!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y'All!

Love~Grampa               (Sept 16, 2017)

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