Friday, August 31, 2018

"Wasn't My Time!"

Vol. 1  Chap. 439

“Wasn’t My Time!”

 “I Guess It Just Wasn’t My Time!”,
Said Our Lexi, Sadly Sighin’!
Fresh Shampoo Masked the Smell of Smoke!
We Hung on Every Word She Spoke!

Her Whole Complex Was Set Ablaze!
What Happened Then, It Did Amaze
No One Who Knew Our Cousin Lex
She Took Charge!   As We All Expects!

She Roused Her Roomie!   Helped Her Leap
To Safety Just as Flames Did Creep
Up All Four Corners of Her Place!
Outside She Joined the Frantic Race

To Help Those Injured When They Fell! 
Some Broke Bones!   Some Had Burns as Well!
Lexi Helped Move the Injured Out
While Burning Embers Danced About!

To All The Neighbors She Helped Save,
Twas Lexi's Time to Come Up Brave!
So ‘Fore We Close This SHero’s Rhyme!
Let’s Thank God It Was Lexi’s Time!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!

Love~Grampa                       (July 28, 2018)


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