Saturday, August 25, 2018

Full Rosie Riveter Mode!

Vol. 1  Chap. 413

 Full Rosie Riveter Mode! *

Mom Woke Announcing, “Time for Change!”
That Us’ly Means She’ll Re~Arrainge
The Furniture, the Cabinet …
What Happened Next We Won’t Forget!

Most Days Mom’s Full of Energy!
A Red Cyclone for All to See!
But What She Did I Believe Topped
Her Greatest Re~Hab When She Popped

The Counter Tops!   Yup!   Ripped Them Out!
And Then, Without a Warning Shout,
Turned Her Attention to Windows!
“I’ll See Ev'ry One of These Goes!”

Mom’s In Full Rosie Riveter
Mode!   Stand Aside!   She’ll Give It Her
Complete and Total Attention!
That Crowd Outside … Did I Mention

Sorta, Kinda Thought She’d Lost It!
I Calmed Their Fears When I Glossed It
Over!   And Before Night Could Pass,
New Counters and Double Pane Glass!

(Naomi Parker Fraley, later identified as Rosie the Riveter, An American Hero and a Hero of Pam's Since Her Youth, Passed Away This Week.)

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!

Love~Grampa               (Jan. 27, 2018)

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