Friday, August 3, 2018

Auntie Chris Melanson!

Vol. 1  Chap. 319

Auntie Chris Melanson!

My World’s More Than San Diego!
Family’s All Spread Out, You Know!
Though They’re in So Many Places
Mom Will Tell You, They’re All Aces!

That’s Why It Shook Our Mom So Bad
To Learn Auntie Chris Died!   So Sad!
See, Mom’s a Nurse Practitioner!
Aunt Chris, a Nurse, Inspired Her!

That’s Not All They Had in Common!
Each Had Become a Super Mom!
Auntie’s Men Will Be All They Can!
Big Strapping Doug and Dan the Man!

No One Can Fill the Hole Chris Left!
Fam’ly Will Try!   How Can They Heft
That Void Big as the Grand Canyon’s,
Cut Through the Hearts of Auntie’s Sons?

Heaven is My Aunie’s Reward!
She Earned Her Seat Beside Our Lord!
Forgive Me for Contemplating,
I Wish God Opted for Waiting!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!

Love~Grampa               (Apr. 9, 2016) 

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