Friday, June 22, 2018

Bonez Loves!

Vol. 1  Chap. 169

                                 Bonez Loves!


            Bonez Loves It When We're All Dolled Up!
            We All Treat Bonez Like He's Our Pup!
            Helps Ol' Bonez to Feel Young Again!
            Wouldn't You Do That For Your Friend?

            Bonez Loves It When We're Casual!
            Bonez Only Has One Coat, My Pal!
            One Coat's Enough For This Sweet Hunk!
            'Cept One Time ... He Lost to a Skunk!

            Hey, Hey, My Name is Audrey Mae!
            With Bonez We Can Dress Any Way!
            It's Like He's Made of Love, My Pup!
            But Bonez Could Do Without Dress Up!

            Seems Our Guard Dog's a Tad Adverse
            To Wearing Clothes That Need a Purse!
            I'm Guessing I Know How He Feels
            About Appearing In High Heels!

            Bonez Loves It When We Wear PJs!
            Means He's Survived Another Day's
            Guard Duty!   Now We're Bathed and Fed!
            All Night Bonez Hovers By Our Bed!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y'All!

Love~Grampa                     (May 25, 2013)

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