Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Kid Magic!

Vol. 1  Chap.  139

                                Kid Magic!

        I've Got Some Really Awesome Friends!
        My Love For These Guys Never Ends!
        They're Fun to be With, Loyal, Kind!
        I Think Some Days They Read My Mind!

        But Still, as Great as My Friends Are,
        In My Life There's One Super Star!
        She's "Kid Magic!"   My Bella Could
        Turn All Your Blah Days Into Good!

        Hey, Hey, My Name is Audrey Mae!
        I 'Member Bella's First, First Day!
        It's Hard to Think of Any Time
        When My Sweet Bella Wasn't Mine!

        I Wake Up To This Little Sprout!
        I'm Never Bored!   She Wears Me Out!
        She Cracks Me Up!   Girl's Outrageous!
        Her Belly Laugh Is Contagious!

        Try Not to Hug Her!  ~  Can't be Done!
        Try Not to Laugh!  ~  She's Too Much Fun!
        "Kid Magic!"   Her Joy Will Grab Ya!
        Little Miss Abra Ka Dabra!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y'All!

Love~Grampa                     (Oct. 27, 2012)

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