Friday, June 15, 2018


Vol. 1  Chap. 151


              It's Only Fair That You Should Know
              On My Exam, I Got Zero!
              I'm Not the Sort to Shirk My Work!
              Sure Don't Want to Grow Up a Jerk!

              I Didn't Study For This Test!
              "Brushed It Off" You Could Say, At Best!
              Well That, My Friend 's Just Chapter One!
              This Exam Tale Has Just Begun!

              What I'm Sure You Don't Realize,
              My Mom Was There to Supervise!
              Took the Exam With Her Daughter!
              She Scored Higher Than She Ought'a!

              Hey, Hey, My Name is Audrey Mae!
              Some Days a Zero is OK!
              Like When You're In the Dentist's Chair!
              In Your Mouth, He Checks Everywhere!

              No Cavities On My Exam!
              "Miss Sparkly Teeth!" is Who I Am!
              Mom Was So Shocked That She Said, "Grrr!"
              Two Cavities Yelled, "Here We Are!"

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y'All!

Love~Grampa                     (Jan. 19, 2013)

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