Monday, June 25, 2018

Surf Side Dining in San Diego!

Vol. 1  Chap. 187

              Surf Side Dining in San Diego!

               The Beach Gives Kids a Mighty Thirst!
               And Hunger That is Even Worse!
               Did This Ever Happen To You?
               The Sea Weed’s Looking Good to Chew!

               You Know You Haven’t Said a Word,
               But You Could Swear Your Momma Heard!
               She Pops a Sammich From the Cooler!
               Then You’re Reduced to a Drooler!

               You’re Poised to Take That Scrumptious Bite!
               The Wind Picks Up, Raises Each Kite!
               You’re Watching Pretty Kites Dance And …
               Oh Snap!   Your Bread’s Covered In Sand!

               Hey, Hey, My Name is Audrey Mae!
               Yup!   It Happened Again Today!
               It’s Lemons Life Gave, So I Made
               My Own Version of Lemonade!

               Right Here, Us Girls Start a Diner!
               No Surf-Side Chow Would Taste Finer!
               Meat On Waffles, We Call, Ya Know?
               "Cheeseburgers In Sandy Eggo!”

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!

Love~Grampa                     (Sept. 28, 2013)

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