Friday, June 29, 2018

Go Sox! Go!

Vol. 1  Chap. 191

                            Go Sox!  Go!

                Am I Still in San Diego?
                Then Why Do I Hear, "Go Sox! Go!"?
                And Who the Heck's This Big Papi,
                Smilin' Through Our TV at Me?

                What Time's "The Laser Show" Begin?
                Does That Show Guaranty a Win?
                To the TV Our Mother Shouts,
                "That's Three Cards Up and Three Cards Outs!"

                Hey, Hey, My Name is Audrey Mae!
                Red Sox Fever Rules Our Mom's Day!
                Lester, Buchholtz, and Don't Cha Know
                Peavy, John Lackey and Breslow!

                They All Pitch Well While Our Mom Cheers!
                With Body English Now She Steers
                Nava's Hit Fair of Pesky's Pole!
                Some Guy Named Ellsbury Just Stole!

                Someone Explain Why Stealing's Good!
                I'd Not Steal Even If I Could!
                I'm Not Sure What Ellbury Took!
                Hey Bella!   Let's Go Read a Book!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y'All!

Love~Grampa                     (Oct. 26, 2013)


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