Friday, June 29, 2018

The Monkey In Me!

Vol. 1   Chap. 200

                    The Monkey in Me!

               I Have a Monkey Inside Me!
               If She Could, She'd Jump Tree to Tree!
               But Since I Live Inside a House,
               She Jumps on Beds, Chairs and the Couch!

               On Christmas, to See Gramma Pat,
               We Went to Shane's Where Pat Was At!
               Who Knew Shane Had a Trampoline,
               Protected by a Monkey Screen?

               For the First Hour, T'was Only Me,
               Bella, Jumping with My Monkey!
               She's Invisible to Most Peeps!
               But I See All Her Twirls and Leaps!

               By the Third Hour, Sister Audrey,
               Spied the Fun Me and My Monkey
               Had Bouncing Higher Than a Tree!
               She Called Shane!   They Joined My Monkey!

               By The Fifth Hour the Adults Came.
               That's When Gramma Pat Blew My Brain
               Pat Said, "That Trampoline, It's True,
               Sure Brings Out the Monkey In You!"

                          Merry Christmas One and All!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y'All!

Love~Grampa                     (Dec. 28, 2013)

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