Friday, June 8, 2018

National Literacy Week!

Vol. 1  Chap. 133

                          National Literacy Week!

                     Grampa’s Got Ten Gazillion Books!
                     Real Ones!   Not Kindle’s and Not Nook’s!
                     Grampa’s Books Have Paper Pages,
                     Just Like Books in By-Gone Ages!

                    I Think Native North-Easterners
                    Need Thick Books When That North Wind Stirs!
                    It’s Insulation From the Cold!
                    Which Grampa Needs Cause He’s Quite Old!

                    “But Heed the Inspiration Part!”
                     My Grampa Says, “What Warms My Heart
                    “Is Knowing Kids I Once Read To,
                    “Now Read to Sweet Children Like You!”

                    Hey, Hey, My Name is Audrey Mae!
                    My Grampa Reads Books Every Day!
                    Both School and Mom Taught Me to Read!
                    Both Mommy and Me Plant the Seed

                    In Bella’s Fertile Brain!   We Know
                    The Love of Reading Books Will Grow!
                    ‘Cause We Read to Her All the Time.
                    Espec’ly Our Saturday Rhyme!

                 Happy National Literacy Week!
                 Hope That You Read a Book or Two!
                 One to a Kid!   One Just For You!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!

Love~Grampa                     (Sept. 15, 2012)

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