Tuesday, June 12, 2018


Vol. 1  Chap.  138


               Smart Seeing Eye Dogs Help the Blind
               On Their Way Home, Safe Paths to Find!
               My Eyes, My Nose, My Ears Work Fine!
               My Mouth, Sometimes ... Not Sure That's Mine!


               I Wake Up in an OK Mood!
               For Breakfast, My Mom Serves Good Food!
               The Lunch Mom Makes for School is Great!
               Mom Never Packs Those Foods I Hate!

               When Mom Picks Us Up After Work,
               It's My Mouth That Can Go Berserk!
               I Hear It Say The Darnedest Things!
               Even, Some Days, a Phrase That Stings!

               Hey, Hey, My Name is Audrey Mae!
               Is Bonez the Dog to Guide My Way?
               If Before I Speak, I Whisper
               In His Ear ... Then Watch His Whisker!

               Down Signals Words to Keep Unused!
               Up Means That Judge Bonez Has Approved!
               Some Days We All Could Use Guidance!
               To Rid Our Words of Defiance!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y'All!

Love~Grampa                     (Oct. 20, 2012)

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