Friday, June 15, 2018

If I Were Queen!

Vol. 1  Chap. 155

               If I Were Queen!

        The Biggest Problem That I Did
        Come Up Against is ... I'm a Kid!
        "Kid's Should be Seen and Never Heard!"
        Try Telling Kids That's Not Absurd!

        If Kids Controlled the Universe,
        Do You Think We Could Do Much Worse?
        Rule One: "Bullies Get No Dessert!"
        "Repeat Offenders Must Eat Dirt!"

        Hey, Hey, My Name is Audrey Mae!
        "When Homework's Done, Kids Need to Play!"
        "Read Stories to Each Little One!"
        If I Were Queen, Life Would be Fun!

        There's Some Adults We Might Consult!
        Like Grampa's Who Can Talk About
        The Ancient World, Pre-Internet!
        Back When a Rock Could be Your Pet!

        Our Kid-Run World, With Me as Queen,
        "Kids Will be Heard as Well as Seen!"
        "Express Yourselves My Peeps!   Holl'a!"
        Your Voices Help Me Grow Tall'a!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y'All!

Love-Grampa                       (Feb. 16, 2013)

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