Monday, August 6, 2018

Cure P~H~F Syndrome!

Vol. 1  Chap. 325

Cure P~H~F Syndrome!

Seems on TV, No Week Goes By
Without Some Starlet Hanging High,
‘Bout Fifty Stories in the Air,
By Her Finger Nails!   “Where, Oh Where

“Is My Hero?”   Who Shall Save Her?
Girl Should Use Those Gifts God Gave Her!
Swing Those Big Hips!   Rock To and Fro!
You Wait to be Saved, Down You Go!

Bella and I Know This For Sure,
Mom Says, “There Simply is One Cure
“For Poor, Helpless, Female Syndrome!
“Work Your Rugged Y~Chromosome!”

The Best Person For Any Chore
Is Oft’ a Woman!   And What’s More,
Guess Who Birthed You Into This World?
I Promise That was No Man, Girl!

You Know Now Why We Train Our Brain …
And Our Bodies!   No Pain … No Gain!
You Won’t Find Poor, Helpless DeMers!
You Will Find Strong, Smart, Brave Sisters!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!

Love~Grampa                     (May 21, 2016)

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