Friday, August 3, 2018

Training Above Sea~Level!

Vol. 1  Chap. 317

Training Above Sea~Level!

You Know Our Mom Runs Cross Country!
Runs Hillsides and Runs by the Sea!
She Says, Though She is All Alone,
That It’s All Good!   She’s Got Her Phone!

I’m OK When She’s by the Sea …
The Picture of Tranquility!
When Our Mom Trains Where It’s Hilly!   
Sometimes That Gives Me the Willies!

Those Same Hills Have Crazy, Big Cats!
Don’t Forget Bats, Those Flying Rats!
Coyotes, Snakes and So Much More!
Heck, We’ve Got the Giant Condor!

I Know Mom’s Fast!   I Know Mom’s Strong!
But I Say We Should Come Along!
Bella’s Quick and I am Faster!
We Could Stave Off Most Disaster!

Mom Said, “That’s Sweet!   Let’s Compromise!”
“How ‘Bout Instead of You Two Guys,
“The Next Time That I Train Above
“Sea Level, I’ll Take Lady~Love?”

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y’All!

Love~Grampa               (Mar 26, 2016)

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