Friday, August 10, 2018

When Men Write History!

Vol. 1  Chap. 341

  When Men Write History!

You Know What This World Needs, My Friends?
More Smart, Women Historians!
I'm Talking Women Who Are Wise!
Who Won't Give a Free Pass to Guys!

It Started Back in Paradise!
Y'Know What?   It Sure Would Be Nice
If Adam Stepped Up to the Plate
And Took Some Blame For What He Ate!

The Whole Down~Fall Gets Blamed on Eve!
When Men Write History Believe,
Guys Get Glory!   Girls Get the Blame!
In Every Era, It's the Same!

Louis and Clark Couldn't Find Squat!
Teenage Sacajawea Got
Them Hushed, So She Could Focus On
Marching Straight Through to Oregon!

Typhoid Mary?   Oh Spare Me, Please!
You Blame Her For Her Deadly Sneeze?
Your History ... I Call Fiction!
Boys, You're Served!   Here's Your Eviction!

Your Grampa Sure Loves Y'All!

Love~Grampa                     (Sept. 10, 2016)  

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